Germany in Europe and in the World

Germany in Europe and in the World

Vær med når den tyske ambassadør, prof. dr. Pascal besøger Aalborg Universitet, hvor der bliver sat fokus på Germany in Europe and in the World.

Germany has for years played a central role within the European Union often exercising soft power. After Russia’s assault on Ukraine Germany is dragged into playing a central role also regarding hard power. The German ambassador will focus Germany’s ‘new foreign policy’ and answer questions.


Forelæsningen er på engelsk. Efter forelæsningen er der mulighed for at stille spørgsmål.

Tid og sted: 
Fredag d. 16 februar kl. 12.15-13.15.
Room 1.108 (Auditorium), Fibigerstræde 16 (Fib16)

Arrangement information

  Fibigerstræde, Aalborg, 9220
}  februar 16, 2024
  fredag, 12:15 til 13:15


   Europabevægelsen Nordjylland

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